Understanding the Breach
“The study of civilization shows us that the rise of civilizations grows out of family life, and that the collapse of civilizations also comes from the collapse of family life,” says Dr. Scott Hahn.
What are some of the effects that fatherlessness and divorce often have on the children involved? What are the effects on the parents—both fathers and mothers?
What effects are seen related to the stability of the broader community when fatherless and broken families are widespread?
What, on the other hand, are the effects on a community when family life is strong and committed two-parent homes are the norm?
Bricks For The Breach
“The ultimate purpose of marriage is summed up in two words: love and children. Marriage is a mission. It is a mission for populating the kingdom of God as a team, husband and wife, mother and father.” (Douglas Bushman)
“If it came down to it, I would literally sacrifice my physical life to save my bride, to save my kids. But the tough thing about our vocation as men is it’s not nearly that easy, because the sacrifice is every day in the little things. My selfishness, my time, my space, to live for myself—that’s the stuff we have to die to. That’s the stuff we have to sacrifice. That’s the part of your life you have to lay down. And that’s way harder than jumping in front of a speeding bullet.” (Steve Greene)
Sword of the Spirit
Therefore, take these words of mine into your heart and soul. Bind them on your arm as a sign, and let them be as a pendant on your forehead. Teach them to your children, speaking of them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up…
(Deuteronomy 11:18-19)